Collection: Into the Woods and Blues

Tanti's world mostly consists of animals and nature. First of all by her beloved dog Yufka, followed by horses... wilderness, islands, sea, fish, birds, trees, flowers. Her heart, mind and body always travels into the woods and blues!

Tanti'nin dünyasının büyük bir kısmı hayvanlardan ve doğadan oluşur. Başta sevgili köpeği Yufka olmak üzere, atlar... yaban hayat, deniz, balıklar, kuşlar, adalar, ağaçlar, çiçekler. Kalbi, aklı ve vücudu her zaman ormana ve maviye yolculuk eder!

29 products
  • Spotted Rhinos
    Regular price
    3,500.00 TL
    Sale price
    3,500.00 TL
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    Sold out
  • Blue Penguins
    Regular price
    3,500.00 TL
    Sale price
    3,500.00 TL
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    Unit price
    Sold out
  • Caretta Caretta and Blue Ball
    Regular price
    3,500.00 TL
    Sale price
    3,500.00 TL
    Regular price
    Unit price
    Sold out
  • Parrot and Golden Ball
    Regular price
    3,500.00 TL
    Sale price
    3,500.00 TL
    Regular price
    Unit price
    Sold out
  • Gold and Silver Autumn Leaf
    Regular price
    4,800.00 TL
    Sale price
    4,800.00 TL
    Regular price
    Unit price
    Sold out
  • My Golden Sunshine
    Regular price
    4,000.00 TL
    Sale price
    4,000.00 TL
    Regular price
    Unit price
    Sold out
  • Golden Boat and The Fish
    Regular price
    4,000.00 TL
    Sale price
    4,000.00 TL
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    Sold out
  • Golden Fish and the Star
    Regular price
    4,000.00 TL
    Sale price
    4,000.00 TL
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    Sold out
  • Golden Fish and The Rainbow
    Regular price
    5,000.00 TL
    Sale price
    5,000.00 TL
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    Sold out